Thursday, July 7, 2016

Why Does the Doctor Always Hand You a Ream of Forms To Fill Out, and How Do You Make Them Stop?

So I get my usual email this morning from my buddy John Lynn over at EMR and HIPAA and one of his acolytes, Anne Zieger, is recounting a recent experience where she went to her primary care physician and was handed a sheaf of paperwork to fill out. Anne has Parkinson’s Disease and it is difficult and painful for her to hand write on forms. Even worse, when the practitioner finally saw her, she had to answer all the same questions a second time. Even worse, I’m absolutely positive (I’ve seen it happen and heard more about it) the same practitioner has to type the hand written responses into their EMR, wasting time, effort and money.

We here at Sentia can’t help with being asked the same questions verbally a second time. What we have done is given your practitioner the ability to come up with their own questionnaires so that first, you don’t have to write your name address and phone number a thousand times (hyperbole, the sign of good literature, or at least of reading Bloom County in the 80s) and second that your responses don’t take up a valuable practitioner’s time to re-type into his or her EMR

Here is how it works: You come in, see the receptionist and he or she assigns whatever prebuilt questionnaire is appropriate and hands you a tablet or directs you to a kiosk to fill it out. Alternatively, since you already have access to Sentia Health’s EMR, you as a patient can go in and fill it out ahead of time, from home. Not to mention that you can see all of your medical records right there in the system, including notes, x-rays and whatever else the practitioner wants to put in there.

From the practitioner's point of view, he or she doesn't have to keep up with paper, make copies that get skewed and blotchy over time, and only has to build them once with our questionnaire building tool.  He or she doesn't have to provide pens, paper, copies and can tell you to access your records and take the questionnaire from home so you aren't sitting there for half an hour sucking up air conditioning and making everyone else sick/getting sick from everyone else in the waiting room.

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